Trade Finance

Business Funding Process

What Is Trade Finance?

Trade financier’s release cash to a businesses’ supplier using confirmed purchase orders or stock as collateral. This is typically used by companies who are importing goods or looking to pay their suppliers prior to deliver their product or service to their end customer.Facilities come in many forms from Purchase Order Financiers, releasing cash against a confirmed order; trade credit, bank’s issue a bill of exchange to guarantee the payment; and Export Finance, which is essentially invoice finance for overseas customers.
Business Funding Process

Benefits Of Trade Finance

International Trade

Trading with international customers and suppliers can be an ominous prospect for young businesses, and therefore trade finance can remove a lot of the difficulties and risk involved.


A client’s suppliers are often given a security guarantee on payment.


Once a trade finance line has been established, businesses have much better control of your trade cycle.

Early access

Businesses’ can access finance prior to delivery of their goods/service.

HOw we have helped

Case Studies

Truly understanding the customer makes Funding Bay different. We build long term relationships and ensure that we continue to support clients well into the future.
Simple Business Funding

Find Out How We Can Help

We help businesses access a wide range of alternative finance products. We know who’s who and what’s what in the market. We find you the right funding meaning you can look after the day to day running of your business.

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