Best Unsecured Business Loan Lenders

As a business owner, securing funding is a critical step for any organisation looking to grow, manage cash flow, and invest in new opportunities or business assets. For many companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), unsecured business loans offer a flexible and accessible financing solution without the need for collateral. With a variety of […]

SME Funding Awards 2021- Winners

It is with great pleasure, that today we can announce the winners of the SME Funding Awards 2021. After some passionate discussions and enthusiastic debates, our brilliant panel made up of Tesh Srivastava, Helene Panzarino, and Robert Johns, voted on their final decisions. It has been a tough year for UK businesses, and we are […]

Nucleus: Lender and CBILS Lender of the Year Nominee

Since its launch in 2011, Nucleus Commercial Finance has lent over £1billion to UK SMEs. They are on a mission to make ‘solution-led finance’ accessible to more UK businesses than ever before. We caught up with Nucleus to chat about what they have been up to this past year, and their vision for the future […]

Panellist Profile: Tesh Srivastava

Our final panellist to be introduced is Tesh Srivastava. Tesh is CEO & Co-Founder of Wathe, which offers SMEs free business and data analytic tools with access to business finance. Tesh is a former Big-4 management consultant in banking and has extensive fintech experience. Most recently setting up a UK consumer lending platform which connected […]

Together: Secured and Bridging Loan Lender of the Year Nominee

The latest nominee that we chat to is Together. We recently spoke to Mark Finucane, Regional Development Director at Together about what they have been up to this past year and what they have planned for the upcoming months. Together offer a range of mortgage and secured loan products to all sorts of businesses and […]

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