Automation Consultancy Firm
Funding Bay secured refinancing for a property developer’s BTL portfolio in under three weeks.
Home - Ready to expand your business?
Holidays are here — and so is the rise in customer demand.
If you’re struggling to keep up with the demand, we can help you with additional capital to make the most of this opportunity. Lenders have now come back to pre-pandemic funding structures, appetite and pricing. We can offer you funding at rates as low as 2% per annum.
Additional funding could be useful for:
It’s only smart to see what your options are and compare which offer suits you best. Our Commercial Finance Manager, Ned Barker and his team of specialists can put together a comprehensive assessment of your business and match you to the very best funding options from with the lowest annual interest rates possible.
Simply fill out the form, and we’ll get you approved in no time.
Funding Bay secured refinancing for a property developer’s BTL portfolio in under three weeks.
Funding Bay secured refinancing for a property developer’s BTL portfolio in under three weeks.
Please pop your details in the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Please pop your details in the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.