Fred Maude and Jack Carr – Addesu
Fred Maude and Jack Carr , co-founders of Addesu, a UK SME. Read on for more insights into this entrepreneur’s business savvy.
The biggest challenge I had with my previous job and career was the lack of variety and the bureaucracy involved, I really wanted to do something where I could feel tangible results beyond building more PowerPoint presentations! But Circla was really born out of frustration, I wish something like it existed and when I realised it didn’t I went ahead and started it myself.
56 billion pieces of single-use packaging is used every year in the UK, only 13% is recycled. We are simply consuming too much for a strained system to handle. How did we become so careless with our planet’s resources? At Circla we are taking responsibility to design out this waste. We have curated the largest collection of planet-positive beauty, home and lifestyle brands, with refills delivered directly to your door. No faff. No Waste.
Stop thinking and start doing! You can spend ages doing desktop research but until you get out there and speak to potential customers about your idea and then test the idea, you really won’t know if there is demand.
I raised investment from a VC and angel investors alongside some of my own money.
I launched Circla at the end of 2019 and within three months we were in lockdown, originally we had a B2B focus on our reusable packaging but due to Covid, we had to pivot to the model we are now running today. It was incredibly stressful and demanding but I am super proud of where we are today. To anyone who started or ran a business during Covid – hats off to you!
Stop thinking and start doing! You can spend ages doing desktop research but until you get out there and speak to potential customers about your idea and then test the idea, you really won’t know if there is demand.
It’s tough out there! I think the UK, unlike so many places, has so many resources available, and a lot of the time they are free to access but it’s also very competitive. Since we launched about 3 competitors have launched, so you need to be nimble and move quickly. Alongside this, access to funding is difficult and you need to be prepared to hustle yourself away especially if you don’t have an existing network.
Having adequate funding and resource is a challenge for businesses of our size in the UK. Not only does this lead to bootstrapping as a common scenario for start-ups, but it can commonly lead to multi-discipline members of staff across different departments and areas of the business.
Overall, there are massive opportunities for personal growth and development through running a small business. It’s somewhere you can build a great culture and long-lasting relationships within the team which is a really rewarding experience.
Our biggest focus at the moment is on-boarding more and more brands and launching our own re-usable bottle – currently, we are using glass or aluminum for most of the products but it’s not really fit for reuse so we have been working with a packaging designer to design a bespoke Circla bottle.
Fred Maude and Jack Carr , co-founders of Addesu, a UK SME. Read on for more insights into this entrepreneur’s business savvy.
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