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Best Business Podcasts for Entrepreneurs 2022 

Podcasts have become industry disruptors as a favourite pastime hobby.

Good podcasts carry a lot of weight when it comes to swaying industry stakeholders’ perspectives and have tons of educational value in the content that is produced. What are some top inspirational podcasts for budding entrepreneurs?

Top Business Podcast #1 – The Frugalpreneur Podcast Show

The Frugalpreneur is a podcast show specially designed for entrepreneurs who want to know how they can start their business from nothing. 

It is a podcast that shares creative ideas for entrepreneurs who are just starting out on their journey. Educating listeners about how to write blogs, record podcasts, social media marketing techniques, sales techniques, and other essential points that you need when starting a business with very little capital. 

This podcast series also discusses the latest financial news and important topics in discussions where you as the listener, can draw your own conclusions from the intelligently articulated conversations that surround the ins and outs of what it means to become a successful entrepreneur. 

Be sure to subscribe and learn something new every day! 

Trending Business Podcast #2 – The Sales Hacker Podcast Show 

When venturing into starting a business. One of the first things you scribble down on paper is how you are going to make money. Businesses make money through sales, so starting out by designing your sales strategy is a great way to lay the foundation for how you are going to bring home the bacon. 

The Sales Hacker podcast is specially tailored for sales. Everything you need to know about business sales can be found in the episodes of this podcast. 

If you would like to learn new sales techniques, more about the latest and greatest CRM software, how to innovate on your sales operations, how to refine sales management, how to hire salespeople, how to understand the sales process better, how to keep your customers happy, B2B and B2C knowledge, and sales psychology, then this is the perfect podcast for you. 

Sales Hacker is our preferred choice for the best business podcast for sales professionals. 

Great Business Podcast #3 – Bright Ideas eCommerce Podcast

The world of e-commerce has completely revolutionized the way the world does business. Selling your products and services online is a common thing, but how to set up e-commerce is not common knowledge, and it takes more than common sense. 

For everything that there is to know about setting up a successful e-commerce business, Bright Ideas eCommerce Podcast is the right station for you. 

E-commerce is not an easy concept to understand, which makes the value of the content this podcast produces, invaluable. Learn about the different eCommerce plug-ins for different website developer software, the various payment systems that are offered on the market, and how to best streamline online payments. Learn about how to use payment platforms for international sales and how shipping works with the best logistical solutions. 

For anything and everything that is eCommerce, tune into the Bright Ideas eCommerce Podcast show. 

Valuable Business Podcast #4 – Mixergy 

Mixergy is a podcast show founded by Andrew Warner, who in his early 20s started an internet business with his brother and, using his genius and creativity, gave birth to an empire that reaps millions of dollars in revenue. 

It is always something special when a thriving entrepreneur who is making most of his money elsewhere, gives of his time to create a podcast that gives listeners sound advice that is priceless. A lot of the stuff you learn from these sorts of podcasts will never be taught in college. 

Andrew’s story is unique; he made his money selling online greeting cards. His brother Michael created the coding that designers needed to make greeting cards, while Andrew sold ad space for the greeting cards. Within the first month of opening, they reached $1 million in revenue. 

From their escalating success, Andrew started Mixergy, which is a podcast that is dedicated to helping people build thriving businesses. They interview entrepreneurs of value who are passionate about success. 

Some big names, such as Neil Patel, have been on the podcast, and the discussions with these powerhouses will give you years of education in a matter of minutes. 

If you enjoy good content about smart business, then this is the podcast for you. 

If you are looking for some financial assistance to get your business off the ground, then do not hesitate to get in touch with Funding Bay. Our team of experts can provide a free business consultation.

For more information on business financing, visit our website. 

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Further Reading

6 Ways To Get Your Business On Track In 2024
Alternative Finance

6 Ways To Get Your Business On Track In 2024

The success of a business depends on the focus of a businessman on business, growing the base of customers, and making new small businesses from the previous one. To get your business on track, there are some tips that the team at Funding Bay want to share with you that will help you.

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